SAVE Act is not only unnecessary, it is discriminatory.

Iranian American Democrats of California oppose any effort that attempts to perpetuate unfounded stereotyping of immigrant communities, promote xenophobia and creation of a two-tier citizenship in the US.

The current law states that only American citizens are allowed to register to vote in the US. The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act passed the House which would require an ID, passport or other government identification that shows a person’s place of birth was in the United States. It goes beyond repeating a law that is already enforced and declares a government-issued ID for citizens who were not born in the US would not be enough proof. They also would have to show a birth certificate, passport, or similar document to register to vote.

Both parties agree that voter registration should permit all eligible citizens —and only eligible citizens — to register and vote. Instances of noncitizen registration and voting are extremely rare, and there are easier, more cost-effective ways to improve voter registration that don’t create new barriers for eligible voters.
This measure turns every foreign born citizen of the US, into a second-hand citizen, and we urge all US Senators not to consider this bill because:

1. It creates a second class among US citizens who were not born in the US
2. Puts undue stress on citizens who are born outside of the US
3. Perpetuates the lie that there are many non-citizens voting.

There are better solutions such as the federal government
should expand state access to federal eligibility data and
use of technology such as REAL ID and data sharing to
improve voter list accuracy.
SAVE Act passed by a final vote of 221-198. Only 5 Democrats sided with Republicans.
*** Even the right-wing legal group behind Project 2025’s plans for upending voting rights in a potential second Trump administration has admitted that voter fraud among noncitizens is exceedingly rare. The Heritage Foundation found 24 cases involving noncitizens voting between 2003 and 2023 — when more than 600 million votes were cast.
