IADC has reached out to our endorsed candidates with specific requests for support.

We ask that you show support for advocates of human rights and women’s rights, and freedom fighters in Iran by doing the following:

  1. Make a public statement of support for the Iranian people and condemn the oppressive actions of the government of Iran; please use the hashtag #MashaAmini.
  2. Support the removal of US sanctions on Technology to circumvent Iran Internet Crackdown. Https://www.wsj.com/acticles/u-s-allows-iranians-access-to-software-that-circumvents-internet-restrictions-11663949710
  3. Call for the establishment of an independent international investigative and accountability mechanism to address the prevailing crisis of impunity in Iran. https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/end-the-protest-bloodshed-in-iran/ 
  4. You can call your senators by referring to this list of phone numbers.

It is time for world leaders and all of us to be on the right side of history, break the silence, and not allow the regime to slaughter the protestors and crush the uprising as they did in November of 2019. We in the US cannot chart the path for the people of Iran in their decades-long struggle for human rights and democracy, but we can show solidarity in their struggle, shed light on the brutal crackdown of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and create conditions for the people of Iran to chart their own path.